Cast Your Vote - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1823399
Oct 4, 2021

Cast Your Vote

As Election Day approaches on Tuesday, November 2, please consider casting your vote for the Southampton Town Democrats. The candidates include a teacher, a traffic expert, a sea captain, conservation experts, an oyster farmer, a land use expert, etc.

The Southampton Town Democrats represent over 300 years of experience. They are committed to keeping our property taxes low and our town fiscally sound. They will add more bicycle paths and work to improve traffic flow. A priority is to safeguard our drinking water and protect our waterways.

Please cast your vote on November 2 for the Southampton Town Democrats: Jay Schneiderman, Bridget Fleming, Tommy John Schiavoni, Robin Long, Tom Neely, Ann Welker, Andrew Brosnan, Will Peckam, Martha Reichart, Bill Pell, Shari Oster and Adam Grossman.

Mitch Mayer

Southampton Village