Civil Debate - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1787283
Jun 7, 2021

Civil Debate

I want to express my gratitude to the League of Women Voters for hosting a civil, fair and informative debate last Tuesday. Cathy Peacock asked thoughtful and pointed questions of the candidates that allowed us to learn their positions on the issues, and Susan Wilson was diligent in keeping time. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of civility upheld during this debate. My thanks goes to the League of Women Voters for fostering an environment conducive to such civility.

Just as noteworthy was Mayor Jesse Warren’s knowledge of the many issues facing our village, and his energy, intelligence and persistence to address them. Two years ago, developers and special interest groups didn’t want any change, but thank goodness change is what we got. Since Jesse’s election, they have fought him at every turn, hoping they could maintain the status quo. But even in the face of that opposition, which included a two-year campaign of dirty political tricks, misinformation and downright lies, Jesse Warren accomplished a lot for our village, all while providing strong leadership and guidance during the pandemic.

Let’s not turn the clock back. Vote Jesse Warren for mayor.

Diane Orts Deutschmann
