Clean Campaign - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2347369
Mar 25, 2025

Clean Campaign

I’m so proud of John Leonard. I’m so proud of being a Democrat. They ran a “clean” campaign and stuck to the facts and issues and not to character attacks.

My takeaway: When you are not adequately qualified, a candidate and their party too often resort to personal mudslinging. My other takeaway: that the toxicity on the national level has infiltrated local politics as well.

My hope has been, especially since Donald Trump, the sequel, that voters have become tired of character assassination and want to move forward with civility, mutual respect and a commitment to compromise in order to get things done and in a timely manner.

Rick Martell won by a slim margin but still deserves congratulations. I understand both men are running again in the November regular election. Although his name wasn’t directly on the emails, etc., aimed at smearing John’s reputation, it’s ludicrous to believe that it was done without his knowledge and approval.

If he is the leader he purports to be, I think it would behoove him, in the next round, to end such shoddy practices.

Chris Prince
