Follow the Money
The nomination by the Democratic Party of John Leonard for the upcoming Southampton Town Council election is mystifying to many in both its origin and its motivation. Having moved from Sag Harbor to Hampton Bays only a few years ago,...
Protecting Resources
Our environment is a finite resource that we must jealously guard. Continued environmental protection must be an integral part of the legislative agenda of any candidate seeking a seat on the Town Council and, as with any issue, a candidate...
'The Fifth Risk'
In the words of Mark Zuckerberg (Meta, nee Facebook), a boss should “work fast and break things.” That’s what Elon Musk is doing to the federal government, working fast and breaking things … but then reconsidering his actions as the...
Bye, Bye, Blackbird?
Last summer, there were no red-winged blackbirds living in the vicinity of Areskonk Creek in Center Moriches. Normally, their numbers are robust, as they enjoy the marsh’s bounty of flies and mosquitoes. Because of their absence, I was forced to...
Permanent Solutions?
I noted with interest the Page 1 story that Southampton Town Police will be targeting speeding on County Road 39 [“Southampton Town Police Plan Crackdown on Speeders Along County Road 39,”, February 5]. Complaints from local residents have spurred...
Shifting Burden
Regarding village code local law amending Chapter 99 [“Southampton Village Considers Historic Property Rehabilitation Tax Exemption, Tree Law,”, February 19]: This change of law to the village code recently approved by the Southampton Village Board would provide a tax...
It Stinks
Well. I wasn’t surprised at the reaction from local Democrats to the long-overdue reform of our federal government. It’s hard to fathom how defensive they are over what has always been known was a bloated, over-funded bureaucracy. I’ll take Dean...
Finger in the Dike
The headline last Thursday regarding the stop sign in lieu of a roundabout [“With Roundabout Out of Reach, Noyac Will Get a Stop Sign at Troublesome Intersection,”, February 18] left me a tad puzzled, as I recalled Tommy John...
Break the Pattern
There’s something very unusual and very important about the special election coming up on March 18 to fill a vacant seat on our Town Council. That’s because it’s the first election we’re having since the big one last November. Normally,...
Dismissed Concerns
New York State continues to grieve the horrific murder of Sam Nordquist. As the coverage of the incident continues, more devastating information is coming to light. It has been revealed that Sam went to local social services to inform them...