Commitment to Unity - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2288215
Sep 9, 2024

Commitment to Unity

If you haven’t yet met John Avlon, candidate for Congress in New York’s 1st District, I encourage you to do so as soon as you can. Avlon’s name was new to me when he started his campaign for Congress to replace incumbent Nick LaLota. I don’t often watch CNN, so I didn’t know him in his role as a successful CNN anchor, an author, or a presidential historian.

But, once I met John and watched his son jump into his arms with complete joy, I knew this man was a star as a father and as a future congressman. Since my first encounter, I’ve attended several events to learn more about John Avlon as a candidate. Aside from his obvious intelligence and charm, his commitment to our country’s democracy and need for unity is what is outstanding.

As a historian, he writes, “History shows we need to have confidence when we confront hard times, not give in to division and despair. If we do that, we’ll look back on these challenging times with pride.”

John Avlon is the leader we need in Congress to help heal the partisan discord America is now experiencing.

Joy Flynn
