Community News, March 20 - 27 East

Community News, March 20

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In celebration of Women's History Month and Agnès Varda's film

In celebration of Women's History Month and Agnès Varda's film "The Gleaners and I," which addresses themes of sustainability, the Southampton Playhouse featured a presentation on local environmental initiatives. Artistic Director Eric Kohn invited Sustainability Committee Co-Chair Lynn Arthur and volunteers Joe Lamport and Susanne Jansson to discuss the North Sea Community Solar program, the Town Food Scraps program, and the "Skip the Stuff" plastic reduction legislation. COURTESY WESTHAMPTON GARDEN CLUB

Earlier this month, LTV Studios technician Esly Escobar returned to his native Guatemala to teach art and send burgeoning creatives home with supplies, in an effort to give back and inspire young minds that often lack access to art education and resources. COURTESY ESLY ESCOBAR

Earlier this month, LTV Studios technician Esly Escobar returned to his native Guatemala to teach art and send burgeoning creatives home with supplies, in an effort to give back and inspire young minds that often lack access to art education and resources. COURTESY ESLY ESCOBAR

Earlier this month, LTV Studios technician Esly Escobar returned to his native Guatemala to teach art and send burgeoning creatives home with supplies, in an effort to give back and inspire young minds that often lack access to art education and resources. COURTESY ESLY ESCOBAR

Earlier this month, LTV Studios technician Esly Escobar returned to his native Guatemala to teach art and send burgeoning creatives home with supplies, in an effort to give back and inspire young minds that often lack access to art education and resources. COURTESY ESLY ESCOBAR

Southampton Girl Scout’s Daisy Troop 536 went on a field trip to Hamptons Jiu Jitsu where they earned their Respect Daisy petal and a Jui Jitsu patch. Coaches Jim MacWhinnie, Greg Melita and Kelly McQueeney volunteered to teach the girls. COURTESY REYNE DEMENICO

Southampton Girl Scout’s Daisy Troop 536 went on a field trip to Hamptons Jiu Jitsu where they earned their Respect Daisy petal and a Jui Jitsu patch. Coaches Jim MacWhinnie, Greg Melita and Kelly McQueeney volunteered to teach the girls. COURTESY REYNE DEMENICO

Ed and Bethany Deyermond with their grandson, James Deyermond, at Center Moriches High School after the Eldred boys basketball team lost to its belief to upset Bridgehampton in the Class D state regional final on Saturday. The Killer Bees, who play just down the road from the Deyermond’s Sag Harbor home, advanced in the state tournament while James and his Yellowjacket teammates had their season come to an end. GAVIN MENU

Ed and Bethany Deyermond with their grandson, James Deyermond, at Center Moriches High School after the Eldred boys basketball team lost to its belief to upset Bridgehampton in the Class D state regional final on Saturday. The Killer Bees, who play just down the road from the Deyermond’s Sag Harbor home, advanced in the state tournament while James and his Yellowjacket teammates had their season come to an end. GAVIN MENU

Leadership from the Veterans of Foreign Wars recently traveled to Albany and have since announced that Senator Anthony Palumbo and Assemblyman Tommy John Schiavoni have sponsored a bill that provides both physical and mental assistance to disabled Veterans in New York State by providing free access to SUNY and CUNY health facilities at these campuses.  VFW District 11 Commander William Hughes and Assemblyman Tommy John Schiavoni in Albany. COURTESY WILLIAM HUGHES

Leadership from the Veterans of Foreign Wars recently traveled to Albany and have since announced that Senator Anthony Palumbo and Assemblyman Tommy John Schiavoni have sponsored a bill that provides both physical and mental assistance to disabled Veterans in New York State by providing free access to SUNY and CUNY health facilities at these campuses. VFW District 11 Commander William Hughes and Assemblyman Tommy John Schiavoni in Albany. COURTESY WILLIAM HUGHES

Dan Elliot, Sharon Sennefelder, Lydell Margraf and Marge Harvey at the Irish Soda Bread Bake Off at the Montauk Library on Saturday.  KYRIL BROMLEY

Dan Elliot, Sharon Sennefelder, Lydell Margraf and Marge Harvey at the Irish Soda Bread Bake Off at the Montauk Library on Saturday. KYRIL BROMLEY

The Joseph Slomski Knights of Columbus Council #7423, based at Immaculate Conception Church on Quiogue, recently sponsored a free pancake breakfast / ministry fair to educate and encourage parishioners to join one of the many ministries at the church. Participating ministries included the food pantry team, altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, consolation and hospitality services, the prayer shawl team, the landscape/garden club, religious education, Bible study, ushers,  Our Lady Queen of Apostles School, and the Knights of Columbus. COURTESY GEORGE MOTZ

The Joseph Slomski Knights of Columbus Council #7423, based at Immaculate Conception Church on Quiogue, recently sponsored a free pancake breakfast / ministry fair to educate and encourage parishioners to join one of the many ministries at the church. Participating ministries included the food pantry team, altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, consolation and hospitality services, the prayer shawl team, the landscape/garden club, religious education, Bible study, ushers, Our Lady Queen of Apostles School, and the Knights of Columbus. COURTESY GEORGE MOTZ

Eastern Suffolk Ducks Unlimited (DU) received two awards this year at the NYS Ducks Unlimited Convention 2025 in Clayton New York: the New York State DU Platinum Award and the New York State DU Top 5 Award. Eastern Suffolk Ducks Unlimited Committee Members in attendance, left to right, Alex Timlim, Mike Compo, regional director; Duane Arnister, Anna Maria Arnister; Thea Fry, co-chair, Mark Borucke; Ray Sachtleben and Jim Fry, co-chair.   COURTESY EASTERN SUFFOLK DUCKS UNLIMITED

Eastern Suffolk Ducks Unlimited (DU) received two awards this year at the NYS Ducks Unlimited Convention 2025 in Clayton New York: the New York State DU Platinum Award and the New York State DU Top 5 Award. Eastern Suffolk Ducks Unlimited Committee Members in attendance, left to right, Alex Timlim, Mike Compo, regional director; Duane Arnister, Anna Maria Arnister; Thea Fry, co-chair, Mark Borucke; Ray Sachtleben and Jim Fry, co-chair. COURTESY EASTERN SUFFOLK DUCKS UNLIMITED

Luca Rizzo, Maxi Rizzo, Mima Rizzo and Agnes Rizzo at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon.  LISA TAMBURINI

Luca Rizzo, Maxi Rizzo, Mima Rizzo and Agnes Rizzo at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon. LISA TAMBURINI

Tiffany, Kasey, Leila, and Delon Silver at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon.  LISA TAMBURINI

Tiffany, Kasey, Leila, and Delon Silver at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon. LISA TAMBURINI

Juan, Luca, and Karen Zeledon  at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon.  LISA TAMBURINI

Juan, Luca, and Karen Zeledon at opening of the Parrish Art Museum's Student Exhibition on Saturday afternoon. LISA TAMBURINI

authorStaff Writer on Mar 17, 2025
YOUTH CORNER Circle of Fun East Hampton Library, 159 Main Street in East Hampton, will host Circle of Fun, a rhythmic class for infants to preschoolers, on Thursday, at 9:30... more

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YOUTH CORNER Circle of Fun East Hampton Library, 159 Main Street in East Hampton, will ... by Staff Writer

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