Consensus Builder - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1829487
Oct 26, 2021

Consensus Builder

I am a lifelong Republican who supports Tom Neely for highway superintendent this year. Here’s why.

I was the senior clerk typist in the Town Transportation & Traffic Safety Office for several years. He was my boss during that time, and we worked very closely together.

Tom worked hard and smart. He knew how to manage people and a wide variety of responsibilities. He interacted daily with different people and organizations — residents, other town departments, and outside agencies at the state and county. He worked well with our Town Board members (under multiple administrations) and other elected officials.

He was a communicator and consensus builder; political affiliations did not matter. He had good ideas and knew how to get the most out of those he worked with and got things done.

I know he has the personal and professional skills to be a successful highway superintendent.

That’s why I urge all voters, regardless of party, to vote for the qualified candidate, Tom Neely.

Barbara McAllister Meyer

Center Moriches