Constant Neglect - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1796941
Jul 13, 2021

Constant Neglect

The communication tower in Springs was completed in 2015. Truth be told, I’m amazed that the fire department has had to face the challenges for these many years. If I told you that they have had calls with firefighters lined up 30 feet apart on the road, shouting orders and directions to each other — is this reality? Unfortunately, it is.

What another great accomplishment of our Town Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Is anyone else tired of the constant neglect and no action? Guess they all are seeing too much of that “Kelley” green. Then again, emergency services will always be an afterthought here, whether it’s communications or even emergency access.

How about if I told you that emergency services can’t even communicate in Springs School? Stop yourself. I’ll write that again. How about if I told you emergency services can’t even communicate in Springs School? Well, that’s true, too. It already happened. Guess children should be left vulnerable.

You won’t hear the members of your fire departments, EMS or even police complaining about it. A call comes in, they all just get up and go. Even if you’ll never hear anyone’s voice, I know it, you know it, we all know it.

Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change.

As always, “we are the community” — Walles, Aman, Karpinski.

Joseph Karpinski


Mr. Karpinski is a Republican and Conservative candidate for East Hampton Town Board ­— Ed.