Crickets - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2234375
Feb 26, 2024


When the previous Southampton Town Board held its special meeting on December 27, 2023, the featured vote was held regarding Liberty Gardens.

Before the board met, I had emailed Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, reminding him how I strongly supported him in the past, because I felt he would always do the right thing for the people of Southampton and listen to the voters. I encouraged him to vote “no” regarding Liberty Gardens — to be his own person, and not follow the “Jay way.”

Guess what? I never received a reply. He totally ignored me — no email, no phone call, nothing. Clearly not a way to garner votes.

So, friends, if Tommy John Schiavoni should become the next assemblyman for this district, and should you decide to contact him regarding your concerns about an issue … fuhgeddaboudit!

Barbara Ring

Hampton Bays