Door Is Open - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1784752
May 31, 2021

Door Is Open

As we find ourselves on the back end of the pandemic, I want to take time and reconnect with our village residents. With division on the rise and lines being drawn in the sand, I feel it is important to address what is going on in our village and discuss how we can begin moving forward.

Anyone who is a local resident in our community knows Southampton is deeply rooted in unity and compassion. I can’t remember the last time when we saw friend against friend and neighbor against neighbor, all because of disagreements on legislative approach.

Even though residents may be on different sides of an issue, I believe we all want the same conclusion for Southampton. That being said, there are many different approaches to achieve a desired outcome. I urge all candidates and residents to put aside our differences and begin focusing energy on things that matter and will make a difference to our residents.

Those who know me know I always take a direct approach and focus on finding solutions that bring people together. Tensions are high and residents are disheartened. It is my hope that with Village Board meetings via Zoom coming to a close, village elected officials can begin reengaging with the public in a proactive and productive manner. We are in desperate need of proactive and thorough dialogue.

That being said, I want to take this opportunity to pledge that I will hold open-door hours once a week every Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Village Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, you can come to Village Hall and speak with me directly. I am available to the public I serve and will continue to work for everyone.

Joseph R. McLoughlin


Southampton Village