I have never written a Letter to the Editor before, but I felt called to respond to Frances Genovese’s negative statement about John Leonard [“Saddle Up,” Letters, January 30].
I want to point out that she opens her letter with: “I do not know John Leonard.” I am writing this because I do know John. And, as a resident of this community, I want to elect a Town Council member who embodies the values and spirit of the place we call home. I can say with confidence that John Leonard is that person.
While John’s professional background as a successful lawyer is important to consider, the reason I feel urged to write this letter is to highlight John’s character. John strikes a unique balance of intellectualism and compassion that is difficult to find and extremely important for a Town Council member to possess.
I know a lot of philanthropists and people who say they want to make the world a better place, but few people actually take the steps necessary to make a difference. John Leonard is genuinely committed to creating lasting change and is the type of person who won’t rest until the job is done. His work ethic and unwavering focus make him the kind of leader we can trust.
He has already demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing what I consider to be one of the most pressing issues in our community: affordable housing. One reason I love this town is because of its people. The future of our community depends on everyone having access to housing they can afford, and I believe in John Leonard to find, and fight for, innovative solutions.
I cannot continue writing this letter without addressing Gayle Lombardi’s clear opposition to development, which has manifested in her efforts to remove John from the Town of Southampton Zoning Board of Appeals. I was both shocked and disheartened to learn of her actions to halt Hampton Bays Alliance meetings at the Hampton Bays Public Library. Regardless of personal opinions or disagreements, attempting to shut down such meetings is an assault on free speech and an act of censorship. This behavior speaks volumes about her approach to public discourse and raises serious concerns about her judgment. Gail’s actions suggest she is not the kind of individual we should trust when it comes to making decisions that impact the community.
John Leonard’s vision for the future of our town, in tandem with his steadfast personality, makes him the ideal candidate for this role. I strongly encourage everyone to vote for John Leonard for Town Council. His leadership will extend beyond immediate, Band-Aid solutions. I am confident that his efforts will create a ripple effect, strengthening our town for generations to come.
Jillian Castoro
Hampton Bays