The popular Express/Press Sessions events will go virtual this week for the first time, with plans to continue important conversations even while social distancing policies make group gatherings impossible.
Instead, using the Zoom videoconferencing platform, the Express News Group plans a discussion titled “Weathering The Storm: Key Tips for Bringing Back East End Business” on Thursday, May 7, at 2 p.m.
The event is free, but there is limited space for attendees to log in to view the conversation and to ask questions. Advance registration is required at
The discussion will focus on local businesses, the struggles, the successes, and how to survive and ramp back up for the summer season.
The panel will include a group of local experts: financial consultant Rocco Carriero; Joe Campolo, an attorney and leadership expert; Kevin O’Connor, the CEO of BNB Bank; and John Tortorella, a well-known and successful local business owner.
Following the format of the Express/Press Sessions, there will be an extensive question-and-answer period involving the audience.
The discussion will be followed, in the May 14 editions of The Press and The Express, with a special section focusing on Business & Finance.
“The Press and Express Sessions were designed to bring the community together to discuss important topics, and while we can’t come together for lunch right now, it’s more important than ever that we facilitate these discussions and encourage leaders in their respective fields to join us in a virtual setting,” said Gavin Menu, co-publisher of the Express News Group.
He added, “There is so much uncertainly around the health crisis, and not a single person or business has been unaffected. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy, and they are hurting right now. We are hoping to provide some guidance and best practices for a path forward. We’re hoping people join us, tell their stories and contribute to the conversation.”
The discussion will be moderated by Joseph Shaw, executive editor of the Express News Group, which publishes The Southampton Press, The East Hampton Press, The Sag Harbor Express, and the websites and