Giving Thanks - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2218406
Nov 27, 2023

Giving Thanks

What a special and appropriate story for the Thanksgiving weekend about young Rowland Egerton-Warburton and his parents, who were able to celebrate his 11th birthday thanks to Chief Manny Escobar and several members of the Southampton Fire Department [“Southampton Fire Department Makes Birthday Dream Come True for 11-Year-Old With Autism,”, November 21].

Cailin Riley’s story captured the spirit of giving thanks for the gift of these special people who not only volunteer their time and talents to protect the community but make things extra special for a child who never had a typical birthday. These men and women went above and beyond for not just Rowland but the entire community.

Thanks for giving of yourselves, Southampton Fire Department.

Mark Hannan

North Sea