Hatchery Eviction Put Off Till May; Southampton Town Says It Will Pursue Question of Ownership
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The Conscience Point Shellfish Hatchery got a 3-month reprieve from eviction, while town officials explore whether they will lay claim to ownership of the land the hatchery sits on.
Southampton Town Attorney James Burke. MICHAEL WRIGHT
The Conscience Point Shellfish Hatchery got a 3-month reprieve from eviction, while town officials explore whether they will lay claim to ownership of the land the hatchery sits on.
Southampton Town Attorney James Burke. MICHAEL WRIGHT
Michael Wright on Feb 12, 2025
A Southampton Town justice postponed the eviction of the Conscience Point Shellfish Hatchery until at least May, giving the hatchery’s attorney time to clarify his case that the hatchery property... more
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will direct $3.5 million in state environmental protection funds toward projects to improve the ecological health of Long Island’s South Shore bays, including $350,000 for research on bay scallops and $400,000 for surveys of eelgrass beds on bay bottoms that are critical to the health of several marine species. The state funding program will seed grants to local governments along the South Shore Estuary Reserve for implementing anti-pollution strategies and marine debris removal, for research on eelgrass and scallops, for new environmental monitoring technology and to reimburse individual homeowners up to $500 ...
23 Dec 2024 by Michael Wright