School Officials Are Dealing With Anxieties and Uncertainty When It Comes to New Immigration Policies - 27 East

School Officials Are Dealing With Anxieties and Uncertainty When It Comes to New Immigration Policies

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Hampton Bays Superintendent Lars Clemensen. CAILIN RILEY

Hampton Bays Superintendent Lars Clemensen. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the

Students in the ENL (English as a New Language) classes in Hampton Bays High School participated in the "This is My Story" project, which was created in the 2021-22 school year. It is a collaborative project between the school's ENL, social work and art departments, and gives Hampton Bays students who traveled for miles in search of a better life a chance to tell their stories, in their own words. CAILIN RILEY

Student art work reflects the broad range of complicated emotions that many immigrant students deal with on a day to day basis. CAILIN RILEY

Student art work reflects the broad range of complicated emotions that many immigrant students deal with on a day to day basis. CAILIN RILEY

authorCailin Riley on Jan 22, 2025
In the hallway just inside the doors of the Hampton Bays High School auditorium, a student art project adorns the off-white tiled walls. Brightly colored and decorated original works of... more

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