As we are but a month away from the upcoming Southampton Village trustees election, I urge voters to understand the importance of sound financial management in Village Hall. Especially in our current economy, it’s more important than ever that our public officials bring strong fiscal skills to their roles.
With that, I write to express my support of Trustee Len Zinnanti, who brings exactly the financial background that this village needs.
A trustee appointed by Mayor Bill Manger and the former chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, Len has been instrumental in formulating both capital and operating budgets. His expertise was pivotal in developing a comprehensive four-year financial plan that was crucial in achieving the village’s Triple-A bond rating by Moody’s.
Len’s career speaks to his financial expertise, spanning impressive roles, including 28 years at the New York City Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget, where he served as the senior deputy budget director. Additionally, he held administrative and financial officer positions at the New York Philharmonic Symphony Society, and as University Controller for CUNY, managing a $3 billion budget.
Given Len’s impressive background and track record of strong financial management for the village, we would be lucky to have him on the board for another two years.
For those who believe in the importance of quality services, infrastructure, and financial responsibility, I urge you to vote for Len for trustee on Friday, June 21.
John Maronov
Southampton Village