Irresponsible Statements - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2204344
Sep 27, 2023

Irresponsible Statements

I disagree with Ralph Fasano’s statement in your article [“County Road 39 Housing Proposal Developers Release Environmental Impact Statement,”, September 20] that his project enjoys widespread support and the opposition is not in great numbers.

After waiting almost three hours at the last Town Board meeting to voice their strong opposition and ask serious questions about Liberty Gardens, I and many other people, including the mayor of the village, had to leave because we had other commitments and serious business to attend to.

Liberty Gardens is not “just housing,” as Mr. Fasano says. It is supportive housing that creates and adds social and environmental problems; it does not solve them. The people who may vote this in on the Town Board will be gone when the consequences of allowing this development, which could even double in size, will have to be dealt with.

It is irresponsible to be considering this once again and to say that opposition doesn’t exist.

Leith McLoughlin
