Is Project Justified? - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1796973
Jul 12, 2021

Is Project Justified?

How much? For how far? And why?

These are my questions regarding the proposed bypass of Montauk Highway between the junctions of Route 24 and Springville Road in Hampton Bays [“Bypass Proposal Moving Forward,” Western Edition, The Soutampton Press, July 1].

Ostensibly, the object might be improved traffic flow through Main Street by facilitating residents and beach-goers avoiding the downtown area. However, such alternatives already exist, both north and south of Montauk Highway, which lead traffic through residential areas. Also, we have the actual bypass — on Sunrise Highway.

Additionally, the necessity for more traffic lights and turns could mean more congestion, and yet the traffic still has to cross the Shinnecock Canal bottleneck.

Should we believe that this one-block dilution of the trade parade will have any worthwhile or noticeable effect?

Can the project be justified? Or is there more to the story?

Patricia Downey

Hampton Bays