Local Partners Bring New Ideas To The Old John Duck's In Southampton
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A family restaurant, indeed. The landlords and tenants with their families. Top row, from left: Zach and Knox Epley, Lauren Douglas, Fiona and Sean Curneen, Kristin Dougherty, Chris Epley holding Cooper. Second Row: Binh Douglas. Bottom Row: Nolan and Henri Douglas, Frances Curneen
A family restaurant, indeed. The landlords and tenants with their families. Top row, from left: Zach and Knox Epley, Lauren Douglas, Fiona and Sean Curneen, Kristin Dougherty, Chris Epley holding Cooper. Second Row: Binh Douglas. Bottom Row: Nolan and Henri Douglas, Frances Curneen
Kitty Merrill on Aug 4, 2021
With faux annoyance, Binh Douglas made reference to his predecessor’s famed side dish exclaiming, “Everybody talks about that cole slaw!!” This week, he and partner Sean Curneen — the new...