Money Grab? - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2180283
Jul 24, 2023

Money Grab?

According to a recent article, in addition to the regular beach parking permit, which is for parking from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m., other use permits are required [“Beach Fires: What You Can and Can’t Do On Local Beaches in Southampton and East Hampton Towns,”, July 17]. Want to be on the beach after 9 p.m.? A “facility use permit” is required and has a $50 fee. If your guests do not have a regular beach parking permit, a “waiver fee” is required, an additional $100.

In addition, if you apply for any of these permits fewer than three days before the beach outings, there is a same-day fee of $100.

My children were raised and educated locally. Today, they and my grandchildren live elsewhere and visit frequently. Water Mill is their second home.

Sometimes we spontaneously decide to go down to the beach after dinner at the house. So it seems we need permits that total $250.

This is crazy. For hundreds of years, taxpayers could visit the beaches without extra fees.

Why is the Town Board doing this? Just for the money?

Marlene Haresign

Water Mill