Noisy Road - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2243960
Apr 8, 2024

Noisy Road

As a resident of North Sea who frequently walks North Sea Road from Millstone Brook Road to Mary’s Lane on my way home from Big Fresh Pond, my only complaint is the noise from the traffic passing by on North Sea Road. I do not want to walk on sidewalks, which are hard on my feet and would change the whole nature of my walk [“Suffolk County Engineers Brief Town Board on North Sea Road Project,”, April 3].

There are, at most, six houses on the east side of North Sea Road in that area, along with a fencing company, Joe’s Garage, Leo’s Electric, an empty lot and the North Sea General Store. The west side of the road is basically empty until you get to North Sea Hardware.

This is not an area crying out for sidewalks, curb cuts and asphalt. Yes, it is true that people want to walk more, but there are miles of trails — for example, in Elliston Park, which is adjacent to Millstone Brook Road — that are a delightful place to walk.

If the county wants to spend $16.8 million in the North Sea area, it would be much better spent funding the Southampton Town Aquatic Recreation Center on Magee Street. These indoor pools will provide year-round swimming for the children and adults of all of Southampton Town.

Howard Roth

North Sea