One Goal - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2343710
Mar 4, 2025

One Goal

It seems abundantly clear to me that Mayor Chris Fiore has one overwhelming goal: to preserve the North Haven that we love before it is too late and prevent its abuse at the hands of those whose intentions are self-serving [“Proposed North Haven Code Changes Bring Out a Crowd,”, February 25]. We do not need to spend $200,000 of taxpayer money for a revised plan to tell us that houses that are too tall or too large for a lot that formerly housed a modest home will change North Haven forever, and not in a good way.

Terie Diat and Barbara Roberts are so caught up in their obsessive need for paperwork and studies and red tape that they cannot see the forest for the trees. Mayor Fiore has common sense. He does not have a personal agenda. He is actually a dedicated public servant who wants what he believes is best for the future of North Haven.

Ask the residents of North Haven if they want oversized houses looming next door to them. I firmly believe the response will be a resounding no. Let’s let the mayor do the job he was elected (by a large margin) to do.

Jean M. Cowen

North Haven