Party Pablum - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2267626

Party Pablum

President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee have declared this election as a race to preserve democracy and rule of law. The irony here is risible but apparently utterly lost on the party’s “sheeple” as they do everything in their power to disqualify Donald Trump from the race.

Last week’s debate made it all the more urgent that they succeed by any means necessary after the undeniably feeble performance of our nation’s doddering commander-in-chief. Instead of substantive debate on the issues, party disciples will resort to disparaging tropes toward their opponents with epithets of “conspiracy theorist” or “fascist.” If MAGA is fascist, why are the Democrats controlling the media, censoring the internet, going after our guns, and weaponizing the Department of Justice and FBI to go after their competition?

Far too many J6ers remain in jail for over three years without being charged or without due process, ignoring habeas corpus. Intelligent, intellectual discourse is shut down and declared a conspiracy in order to protect their authoritarian powers of control. The sheeple obey without complaint, not recognizing the assault on their civil liberties.

This same Democratic Party forced its citizens to get a vaccine. Party censors, with the aid of the FBI, pressured social media giants like Facebook and Twitter to cancel dissenting opinion during the COVID debacle. This same party also locked down businesses, creating financial hardship to untold millions and quite possibly fostered a lost generation of academic learners.

2020 election laws were altered under the guise of public safety because of the pandemic, and about half our nation sincerely believes the resulting deluge of mailed-in ballots altered the results of an election, poisoning the entire process, and tainting future elections on a scale only seen in banana republics.

The party faithful remain proud of their success — the result justified the means, Trump was vanquished.

This same party continues to shout down valid, rational argument. Consider such liberal favorites as requiring voter ID is somehow racist and disenfranchising. What citizen doesn’t have identification in the United States? What countries allow people to vote without it?

Fences do not prevent intruders, closing our borders will not mitigate illegal migration — these liberal talking points are absurd yet dragged out at every opportunity to silence dissent. These ridiculous notions are the pablum of the deluded party faithful who still believe Biden is in control of his rapidly declining faculties and could be trusted to decide the fate of our nation.

We are descending ever closer to possible wars with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran as they become more belligerent. Biden’s obvious incompetence has provoked, promoted and accelerated their conspicuous aggression.

John Porta
