Plans For 230 Elm - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1829495
Oct 26, 2021

Plans For 230 Elm

There seem to be some questions, misinformation and, simply put, lack of information regarding 230 Elm Street, historically and affectionately known as Polish Hall.

Founded approximately 100 years ago, it was built by many of the same families who helped build and establish Our Lady of Poland Church and has always had a strong connection with OLP. For many decades, the hall hosted weddings and events, not only for its members but for the community at large. Two somewhat recent examples: the 100th anniversary celebration for Our Lady of Poland Church, and the dinner honoring legendary Southampton High football coach Herb Goldsmith.

In addition, the hall’s bowling alleys downstairs were in constant use by its members and the general public. Most recently, the hall was leased for approximately a decade to Tim Burke, who operated a catering service.

Upon Mr. Burke’s departure, it was apparent that the hall needed a long overdue makeover. After assessing a number of options, we entered into a long-term agreement with Elegant Affairs Caterers, a reputable, high-quality caterer with a 25-year track record. Elegant Affairs agreed to spend significant money updating the hall both aesthetically and functionally. They were issued a building permit in March and have already spent significant time and money on the interior of the building to date.

The company also would like to make improvements to the exterior of the building to improve the overall curb appeal. Note, however, that they will not be changing the basic foundational footprint and dimensions of the building. Subject to village regulatory board approvals, they have one primary wish list item: to add a second-floor deck off the main dining room on the north side of the building to serve as a cocktail hour space. The plan is for the deck to be hidden from view with landscaping.

As part of a second stage, the company intends to renovate the bowling alleys and downstairs space, which they envision as a great space to host events.

As part of our future vision for the Polish American Political Club, we’d like to use the lease stream from Elegant Affairs to make donations to charities, with a primary emphasis on supporting the Polish American community, including Our Lady of Poland Church.

The lease agreement with the company also allows the Polish American Political Club to utilize the hall periodically for its own use, to host dinners and events that bring our members and the Polish community together, and that benefit the local community.

Lastly, to dispel any myths, let us tell you what 230 Elm Street will not be: It will not be a restaurant. It will not be a late-night bar. It will not be a nightclub.

John Kosciusko

Polish American Political Club of Southampton

Southampton Village