Politics as Entertainment - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2300476
Oct 21, 2024

Politics as Entertainment

I agree with Rosalyn Jennings [“No Lecture,” Letters, October 17], and her friends, that Kamala Harris can come off sometimes as “lecturing” and that she can sometimes falter under the fairly weighty subjects she is addressing. She is educated, rational and trained as a lawyer and prosecutor, not as an entertainer. She is fact-constrained and knows lies can be outed. She knows her stuff — but that can be, like, sooo boring.

To quote Ms. Jennings’s letter on a Harris presidency: “It would be like attending four years of a school and having the same unqualified teacher annoyingly try to teach the class a subject that the teacher doesn’t understand herself.”

So, Ms. Jennings and her friends — as is their inalienable right provided by the Constitution — will be “voting for former President Donald Trump.” Electing, instead of being bored in class, “to be subjected” to a lying, incoherent, ignorant criminal whose only subject is himself and his limitless desire for unearned wealth and power.

Should he win, it would be, to use Ms. Jennings’s example, like being subjected to a dictatorial, off-the-rails lecturer who makes up the rules as he goes along; who crafts his teaching plan after Vladimir Putin and the other deans of dictatorship; who is slyly working to bring down the “school” by any means, including military force; who teeters and rambles as he sizes up what his hyped-up students want to hear, then spins it back to them without rhyme or reason, all the while crooning praises to himself.

A blubbering menace who employs as his teaching aides criminal propagandists and fascist-fawners (ever clock Stephen Miller, Ms. Jennings?). A geriatric degenerate who might, during a private or public tutorial, grab your “pu--y” … I mean, “private parts” … or worse. A sexual marauder (so disgusting he even repelled Stormy Daniels, mon dieu!) who equivocates and pontificates against abortion and a woman’s rights to placate his evangelical zealots, a perverse puppeteer who will juice up things by orchestrating riots and mayhem, who salivates over using the military for private vendettas, who will gut institutional safeguards …

But why go on? At least a Trump presidency won’t be borrrring!

It is deplorable that political thought, domestic and global consequences, civic responsibility, and the future of what is left of this country and its faltering democratic principles — let alone its clout as defender of those principles throughout the world — are being trampled in favor of politics as transgressive entertainment, aggrandized victimhood and smarmy egotism.

Trump voters should examine their consciences and cop to “the real reasons” they choose to vote for an unhinged, corrupt fascist-savior who will impose fascism on the country in their name. It won’t be so entertaining in the future.

Frances Genovese
