The Southampton Press has endorsed Michael Irving to become the next mayor of Southampton. However, this endorsement significantly understates Mayor Irving’s accomplishments during his prior term in office.
Consider, for example, what Mayor Irving accomplished in two areas — development of the village and a sewer project — that The Press considers to be the “real tasks at hand” for our next mayor to pursue.
Under Mayor Irving’s leadership, the zoning code was amended to reduce the size of houses that can be built in the village, reduce overall lot coverage, increase the size of lot setbacks and strengthen the “pyramid law” to afford neighboring properties more privacy.
Prior to becoming our mayor, but while he was a village trustee, he was actively involved in developing the master plan for the business district, in creating the septic district that covers most of the business district, in designating a site for a treatment plant and a recharge system, and in developing a plan to allocate the cost of the treatment plant and septic system between owners of business and residential properties. Although these plans were stymied by the Southampton Association, they were revived by Mr. Irving when he became mayor and hired an engineering firm to push them forward.
Mayor Irving’s many other accomplishments included installing storm water catch basins along Jobs Lane and in two other locations to protect Lake Agawam from further pollution, requiring more advanced septic systems to be installed in new (or significantly renovated) houses fronting on the lake, having the village obtain a AAA bond rating (and thereby become the first village on the East End to achieve this status), amending the ethics code, and renegotiating the village’s contract with the police to slow the rate of salary growth.
Michael Irving was able to accomplish all this and more by working collaboratively with the village’s trustees, department heads and employees, and without tooting his own horn, a quiet, competent and professional approach.
I intend to vote for Michael Irving.
Craigh Leonard