I am honored and excited to endorse John Leonard for Town Council in the upcoming special election to fill the vacancy left by Tommy John Schiavoni’s election to the New York State Assembly.
John is that rare individual who possesses all the attributes we should want in a member of our Town Council: intelligence, strength of character, confidence tempered with humility, and a dogged determination to serve the residents of Southampton because of a genuine belief in the importance of public service.
Professionally, John is a seasoned litigator whose skills give him the ability to analyze and assess all issues that come before the Town Council. Additionally, his experience advising clients in settlement negotiations gives him the unique ability to help the Town Council navigate its way through controversial issues to reach consensus in a no-nonsense but respectful way. As a lawyer, John also learned well that there are many sides to every issue and fervently believes in active public engagement and respectfully listening to all points of view
In addition to his professional legal experience, John has served the Town of Southampton through active public service. He recently founded the Hamptons Bays Alliance, a civic association designed to ensure that all residents of Hamptons Bay can discuss issues surrounding the community development of the hamlet through inclusive and civil public discourse that respects all voices. I was impressed when John related to me that the alliance holds its meeting with chairs set up in a circle so that everyone feels equal and can face one another when speaking. John sees the humanity in every person he meets, a much-needed trait in our divisive society.
John’s other current civic activities include membership on the Town of Southampton Zoning Board, the Rotary, and the Drug Court Team of the East End Regional Intervention Court. John has also served on the boards of the Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center and the Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce.
As a Town Council member, John will work hard toward identifying and implementing solutions to the most critical issues facing Southampton today, including affordable housing, public safety, water quality, environmental protection, traffic mitigation, and support for local businesses.
I urge you to vote for John Leonard in the special election on March 18.
Andrea Klausner
Vice Chair
Southampton Democratic Committee