Residents Want Neither - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2115858
Mar 13, 2023

Residents Want Neither

What is Southampton Town Board foisting on us Hampton Bays residents? They resolve to develop the Bel-Aire Cove Motel property with living space when the Suffolk County Planning Commission recommends this coastal area be used for “passive park-like uses.” Hampton Bays residents agree with the county commission.

In the words of the Suffolk County Planning Commission Resolution of 2019, the Bel-Aire Cove Motel property:

1. “Constitutes the unwarranted overintensification of the use of the premises.”

2. “The subject proposals would generate more sanitary waste than the permitted flow of subject property.”

3. “It would tend to establish an undesirable precedent as a template for the transformation of blighted properties subject to the effects of coastal processes including storm surges, flooding, and repetitive loss of capital investments.”

Southampton Town Board disregards the above findings, instead telling Hampton Bays residents that we must choose between their two proposals. Residents want neither.

Be alert to date, time and place of meeting.

Ann Coppola

Hampton Bays