Peter Beardsley on the left sparing with Derrick Galen seconds before the start of the third race. MICHAEL MELLA
A clash between boats having rounded the leeward mark on a starboard tack and those approaching the mark, on a burdened port tack. MICHAEL MELLA
On a downwind leg to the gybe mark, dagger boards up, from left: Rudy Ratsep, Derrick Galen, Peter Beardsley and Ian Welch. MICHAEL MELLA
After rounding the weather mark, the front four, from left, Derrick Galen, Rudy Ratsep, Rachel Beardsley and Gloria Maroti Frazee, with laser-beam focus on the leeward mark in the fifth race. MICHAEL MELLA
From left, Joan Butler, Venetia Satow, Rudy Ratsep and Rachel Beardsley, foreground, approach the pin end of the start line within a second of each other. MICHAEL MELLA
First place Peter Beardsley approaching the finish line ahead of third place Rudy Ratsep on the left and fourth place Venetia Satow a few boat lengths behind Peter. MICHAEL MELLA
Second place Derrick Galen finding wiggle room at the start of the second race, with Rudy Ratsep and Venetia Satow off to his port side. MICHAEL MELLA
From left, Peter Beardsley, who finished first overall in the six races, ahead of Ian Welch and rocket skipper Gloria Maroti Frazee. As this photo testifies, a rocket is quite competitive against the faster lasers. MICHAEL MELLA
The fleet after rounding the windward mark, half of which is visible to the right of laser 105813’s mast, in the final race of the day. MICHAEL MELLA
Fourth place Venetia Satow trying in vain to pass second place Derrick Galen off the port side of the committee boat. MICHAEL MELLA
One of Breakwater’s top rocket skippers Gloria Maroti Frazee, foreground, finds room between the RC boat and Rachel Beardsley, seen through Gloria’s sail. Off to the right, #105813 Rudy Ratsep, #217362 Peter Beardsley, #3 Venetia Satow, #159060 Derrick Galen seconds after crossing the start line. MICHAEL MELLA
Peter Beardsley on the left sparing with Derrick Galen seconds before the start of the third race. MICHAEL MELLA
A clash between boats having rounded the leeward mark on a starboard tack and those approaching the mark, on a burdened port tack. MICHAEL MELLA
On a downwind leg to the gybe mark, dagger boards up, from left: Rudy Ratsep, Derrick Galen, Peter Beardsley and Ian Welch. MICHAEL MELLA
After rounding the weather mark, the front four, from left, Derrick Galen, Rudy Ratsep, Rachel Beardsley and Gloria Maroti Frazee, with laser-beam focus on the leeward mark in the fifth race. MICHAEL MELLA
From left, Joan Butler, Venetia Satow, Rudy Ratsep and Rachel Beardsley, foreground, approach the pin end of the start line within a second of each other. MICHAEL MELLA
First place Peter Beardsley approaching the finish line ahead of third place Rudy Ratsep on the left and fourth place Venetia Satow a few boat lengths behind Peter. MICHAEL MELLA
Second place Derrick Galen finding wiggle room at the start of the second race, with Rudy Ratsep and Venetia Satow off to his port side. MICHAEL MELLA
From left, Peter Beardsley, who finished first overall in the six races, ahead of Ian Welch and rocket skipper Gloria Maroti Frazee. As this photo testifies, a rocket is quite competitive against the faster lasers. MICHAEL MELLA
The fleet after rounding the windward mark, half of which is visible to the right of laser 105813’s mast, in the final race of the day. MICHAEL MELLA
Fourth place Venetia Satow trying in vain to pass second place Derrick Galen off the port side of the committee boat. MICHAEL MELLA
One of Breakwater’s top rocket skippers Gloria Maroti Frazee, foreground, finds room between the RC boat and Rachel Beardsley, seen through Gloria’s sail. Off to the right, #105813 Rudy Ratsep, #217362 Peter Beardsley, #3 Venetia Satow, #159060 Derrick Galen seconds after crossing the start line. MICHAEL MELLA
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