Running Roughshod - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2204292
Sep 27, 2023

Running Roughshod

My home at 9 Cody Way in Bridgehampton abuts a reserve. I chose to purchase my home because it faces two reserves that provide the peace and privacy I cherish and that are protected in my right of quiet enjoyment.

My neighbor, Adam Shapiro, is a very prominent hedge fund owner who has been attempting to destroy the sanctity of the reserve since he bought his home. He has no experience in agriculture and is using it as a ploy to build more structures on the land, which, if allowed, he will use later for other unpermitted purposes.

He has brought alpacas all the way from the Andes to live here in the Hamptons. Only a person without sensitivity to nature would bring animals to a completely foreign habitat. There is no market for alpacas here, nor will there ever be.

Our community must not let a wealthy man run roughshod over rules my other neighbors and I observe simply because he wants to build more. If we let him, then we have no laws. If we let him, the value of my home and those affected by his gross violation will be reduced significantly.

He should be stopped dead.

Miha Shulch

Niko Elmaleh
