Donald Trump has been a scammer his entire adult life. His most successful scam was to convince those who voted for him to believe that he was a friend of the average American. His “average guy” brand came complete with the red trucker hat with the MAGA logo.
He awkwardly danced on stage, like your grandpa or uncle who was harmless and just trying to have a good time. He talked about high food prices, and those dangerous illegals, just like your protective neighbor, your buddy.
So, let’s look at just a few facts.
Since he took office, Trump has eliminated tens of thousands of jobs from average Americans. He has eliminated USAID, which supports a food and health program, which devastated low-income people worldwide. He is “shifting” funding the Department of Education which provides for the average/poor citizens’ children who need help with learning disabilities and food insecurity.
He ordered the Department of Agriculture to cancel millions of dollars of contracts with food banks and schools that receive produce from American farmers. Yet he charges the American people millions of dollars to support his golf hobby in Palm Beach every weekend.
Is this what you consider to be a guy looking after your well-being? I don’t.
But then I wasn’t scammed by him to begin with.
Paula Angelone
Southampton Village