Pierson girls volleyball players Sofia Mancino, Sam Cox and Hannah Tuma at the county awards dinner on December 3.
Southampton senior quarterback Shawn Stelling was given Suffolk County's 12th Man Award.
Southampton field hockey award winners, from left to right, freshman Lucy Wesnofske (Unsung Hero), junior Morgan Fullam (All-League), junior Emma Wesnofske (All-League) and junior Caroline Wetter (All-County).
Pierson girls volleyball players Sofia Mancino, Sam Cox and Hannah Tuma at the county awards dinner on December 3.
Southampton senior quarterback Shawn Stelling was given Suffolk County's 12th Man Award.
Southampton field hockey award winners, from left to right, freshman Lucy Wesnofske (Unsung Hero), junior Morgan Fullam (All-League), junior Emma Wesnofske (All-League) and junior Caroline Wetter (All-County).
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