Slow Down - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2340320
Feb 10, 2025

Slow Down

I want to take this opportunity to thank Southampton Town Council member Michael Iasilli. The work he did to get the speed limit sign up and then reinstalled in a location that should keep the cars heading east going slower than they have been is remarkable. I’m sure most people have seen this sign by now. It’s outside Saaz on the southeast side of County Road 39 [“Southampton Town Police Plan Crackdown on Speeders Along County Road 39,”, February 5].

With this sign and the additional police stopping speeders, hopefully, we will have fewer accidents.

We did suggest another speed limit sign be installed on the northwest side to curtail drivers headed west. Here’s hoping.

Since he’s been on the Town Board, he has always been aware of the safety issues our neighborhood has had. I think it will be interesting to see if the number of accidents along County Road 39 lowers. Hopefully, the summer guests to/from the Hamptons will go the speed limit when visiting.

Thanks again, Michael. I owe you an Irish soda bread.

Maureen Brady Curzio

Shinnecock Hills