John Leonard said that the Pattern Book, with some minor tweaks, would give the town a sound roadmap to remaking downtown Hampton Bays. MICHAEL WRIGHT
Ray D'Angelo said that the Pattern Book would encourage high-density development with multi-family residential components and buildings taller than local residents want to see. MICHAEL WRIGHT
The latest version of the Hampton Bays Pattern Book includes an appendix with a concept plan for new development between Main Street and Good Ground Park that some residents blanched at because it appeared to show two new roads running between the park and the street. But planners say those would not be actual streets open to vehicles except in emergency.
John Leonard said that the Pattern Book, with some minor tweaks, would give the town a sound roadmap to remaking downtown Hampton Bays. MICHAEL WRIGHT
Ray D'Angelo said that the Pattern Book would encourage high-density development with multi-family residential components and buildings taller than local residents want to see. MICHAEL WRIGHT
The latest version of the Hampton Bays Pattern Book includes an appendix with a concept plan for new development between Main Street and Good Ground Park that some residents blanched at because it appeared to show two new roads running between the park and the street. But planners say those would not be actual streets open to vehicles except in emergency.
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