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Southampton Police Reports for the Week of March 27

QUOGUE — On March 22 at 9:15 p.m. Cristian Valdespino Castro, 23, of East Quogue was arrested by Quogue Police and charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs, a misdemeanor, and cited for an equipment violation. Police said they pulled her over after seeing her driving on Dune Road with an inoperable license plate lamp. During the traffic stop, an investigation revealed that she was driving while under the influence of drugs, police said. Police did not specify which drug or drugs. She was taken to Quogue Village Police Department, arraigned and then released on her own recognizance.

WESTHAMPTON BEACH — Cory DeRosa, 43, of Manorville was arrested by Westhampton Beach Village Police on March 20 at 10:42 a.m. and charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor. Police arrested DeRosa at his place of employment, the Westhampton Bath and Tennis Club on Dune Road, after receiving an anonymous tip that DeRosa had a warrant out from the Suffolk County Police Department for fourth-degree grand larceny, a felony. The person who called and made the tip said that DeRosa had admitted to her that he had committed several crimes. When police searched DeRosa, they found a white, rock-like substance in his bag, which was determined to be meth. DeRosa was terminated from his job on the spot. DeRosa was due back in Westhampton Beach Village Court on March 26 and was also remanded to Suffolk County Police for the active warrant in their jurisdiction.

WESTHAMPTON BEACH — On March 20, a business owner reported to Westhampton Beach Police that money had been withdrawn from her business account without her permission. After noticing transactions that she did not authorize, she went to TD Bank to dispute the charges. The fraud department at the bank told her that a company named Concora Credit Services — which the victim said she has no business with — had withdrawn $43,000 from the account dating back to May of 2024. The business owner then contacted Concora, and a representative told her there was no account set up with them and that she needed to talk to the bank about the charges. The business owner signed a larceny affidavit to pursue charges against Concora, which is based out of Beaverton, Oregon.

WESTHAMPTON BEACH — On March 20 at 7:30 p.m., Westhampton Beach arrested Annabella Godzieba, 18, of Manorville and charged her with driving while ability impaired by drugs. Police said they observed Godzieba failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of Hansen Place and Potunk Lane. She was pulled over at the intersection of Mill Road and Maple Street, during which time officers said they observed a strong odor of marijuana and noticed that Godzieba had red, glassy eyes. She admitted to having smoked cannabis a half hour before driving, according to police, and performed poorly on a field sobriety test but had a clean blood alcohol test of 0.00. She submitted to a blood kit examination and a drug expert recognition evaluation, which determined she was unable to operate a vehicle safely. She was processed at Westhampton Beach Police Headquarters and held for morning arraignment at Westhampton Beach Village Justice Court.

BRIDGEHAMPTON — A Huntington Crossway resident reported to Southampton Town Police on March 18 that she had been a victim of a fraud scheme that bilked her out of more than $2,000. The woman told police that she had received a call from a man who identified himself as an FBI agent and told her she was the subject of a criminal investigation and was to be charged with drug and gun offenses — but that he could avoid criminal prosecution if she purchased $7,000 in gift cards and gave him the reference numbers. The woman had purchased gift cards totaling $2,100 and given their information to the man before becoming suspicious of the scam and cutting off communication.

WATER MILL — A Bridgehampton woman was taken into custody and turned over to Suffolk County Police on an arrest warrant for failing to appear in court on a previous charge. The woman, Latricia Hires, 32, was pulled over on Flying Goose Path after an officer noticed her vehicle’s registration was suspended for insurance lapse. The vehicle was impounded and a search turned up a purse and credit cards that were related to a pending criminal investigation by the county.

SOUTHAMPTON — An attendant at the Speedway Gas Station on County Road 39 was arrested for selling alcohol to a minor as part of a sting operation conducted by New York State Police on March 24. The attendant, Sean Rider, 49, of Medford was charged with misdemeanor unlawful dealing with a child in the first degree and prohibited sale of an alcoholic beverage.

REMSENBURG — A Rogers Lane resident told Southampton Town Police on March 19 that someone had entered the garage of his home at some point the previous night and stole a motorcycle owned by his brother.

EAST QUOGUE — A man who had been working for a sanitation company going door-to-door soliciting new clients reported to Southampton Town Police on March 19 that while he was working on Riverleigh Avenue that a vehicle had pulled up to him and engaged him conversation. When he approached the car, the man grabbed his clipboard containing the contracts he had solicited and drove away.

HAMPTON BAYS — Two East Hampton residents called Southampton Town Police on March 19 to report that someone had solicited them to rent a property in Hampton Bays with a down payment of $4,650 but then stopped responding to emails and phone calls once they had sent the down payment.