Southampton Town Board Adjourns Public Hearing on BESS Moratorium Exemption
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Southampton Town's BESS steering committee members James Rankin, chief fire marshal; Ryan Murphy, public safety administrator; Chief James Kieran of the Police Department; Supervisor Maria Moore; Councilwoman Cyndi McNamara, and Janice Scherer, planning and development administrator. CHRISTOPHER WALSH
Southampton Town's BESS steering committee members James Rankin, chief fire marshal; Ryan Murphy, public safety administrator; Chief James Kieran of the Police Department; Supervisor Maria Moore; Councilwoman Cyndi McNamara, and Janice Scherer, planning and development administrator. CHRISTOPHER WALSH
Christopher Walsh on May 29, 2024
An anticipated public hearing on an application seeking an exemption from the moratorium on the licensing and construction of battery energy storage systems, which was scheduled for Tuesday, was adjourned...