Take a Lesson - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2256816
May 27, 2024

Take a Lesson

This is high season at Fowler’s Garden Center in Southampton. From the look of things, inventory has to be at its peak, trees, plants and all accessories for landscapers and homeowner use.

On a recent Saturday morning — peak shopping time, and my only available time — I steeled myself for the task ahead.

In addition to peak inventory, it appeared that Fowler’s so wisely enlarged its staff. There was no long wait. There was thoughtful, knowledgeable service delivered by cheerful staff.

I was amazed at how deftly the crowd of shoppers was handled. All was calm, and, I am sure from the quantity of items being checked out, profitable. Increase inventory and staff, the right staff, for peak buying times, and profits should follow.

Many businesses could take a lesson from Fowler’s. Take care of the customer, and they will purchase and leave with a smile.

I did, three times that weekend.

Judy Hadlock
