Taking the Oath - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2267634

Taking the Oath

I would like to thank all those who supported my candidacy for your confidence in me. I will certainly try very hard to make a difference. My message of civility, public service, transparency, diversity on the board and listening broke through all the chatter, and I intend to live up to expectations with a little help from you.

Presently, I am in Paris to attend and celebrate the wedding of my son Adrian. Thus, I was not present for the oath of office ceremony held on Monday, July 1, on the steps of Village Hall.

However, upon my return, Mayor Bill Manger has been gracious in arranging for my oath of office ceremony to be held on Tuesday, July 9, at 6 p.m., to be followed by the organizational meeting.

I look forward to taking office and begin the important task of representing the interests of the Village of Southampton.

Edward Simioni

Southampton Village Trustee-elect