Thanks For Support - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1835886
Nov 15, 2021

Thanks For Support

I want to thank all of those who supported me, and voted for me, during my campaign for Southampton Town justice this year. While I did not win, I am proud of the race I ran.

During a campaign, a candidate presents himself or herself to voters as a candidate, asks the voters for their support, and hopes they receive enough votes to win on Election Day. I have had enough experience in campaigns to know that you can never take anything for granted when it comes to election results.

I may not have won, but I met many incredible people along the way, including the other candidates running this year, and so many who supported me. I am humbled by the support I received, especially from Gordon Herr, Robin Long, Jay Schneiderman, Tommy John Schiavoni, Fred Thiele, John Bouvier, Bridget Fleming, Tom Neely, my other running mates, my treasurer, Mike Koegler, Vikki Hilles, all of the attorneys on my committee, my team of volunteers, and all of the supporters of the slate.

I also want to thank the entire Southampton Town Democratic Committee. You all worked so hard to support me this year. I will never forget your belief in me and your unwavering support.

I lastly want to thank Shari Oster, who ran for town justice on the slate with me this year.

Becoming a Southampton Town justice was always aspirational for me. It is a difficult job, but a job I wanted to have, and a job I believed I would do well. Now that the race is over, I will be focusing on my law practice and continuing to serve the residents of Southampton Town next year as chairperson of the Southampton Town Zoning Board of Appeals.

I wish all a happy and healthy holiday season.

Adam B. Grossman

Hampton Bays