The Future Of Travel - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1818924
Sep 21, 2021

The Future Of Travel

Tom Neely is the man for East End traffic control as Southampton Town highway superintendent. Yes, he can do the job, and we need his skills desperately. Tom has the experience and dedication to solve our local township highway traffic overload.

We all know, since the pandemic, our already heavily traveled roadways have only gotten more encumbered with cars, trucks, buses and more moving vehicles.

Mr. Neely’s professional experience for 17 years in a high operating position with Hampton Jitney is a foundation for his in-depth transportation knowledge. Add to that his position as Town of Southampton director of intermodal transportation and traffic safety. Further, he has served as executive director of the town’s Transportation Commission and as chair of the East End Transportation Council.

Tom also, as you might expect, has been deeply involved in a variety of regional and town transportation, traffic, and roadway projects, working closely with residents, town departments, outside agencies and local municipalities.

Personally, I have met Tom and believe he will more than meet the standard of outstanding town highway superintendent.

Mr. Neely has been a resident of the South Fork since 1987. And during his free time he has coached his sons in soccer and Little League in Sag Harbor.

I strongly endorse Tom Neely for town highway superintendent. Please vote for him on November 2 and see for yourself what a difference your future travel on the East End will be.

Thomas Hadlock
