The High Road - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2347403
Mar 24, 2025

The High Road

I read with great disappointment the childish reaction the losing candidate expressed the night of Tuesday’s special election [“Martel Defeats Leonard in Southampton Town Special Election for Board Seat,”, March 18]: a tantrum-like statement blaming his opponent for a “dirty campaign.” As well as the “hollow” Express News Group endorsement. He even complained about letters that were published, alleging “misinformation.”

I followed both candidates. Closely. There were facts presented that mentioned Mr. Leonard’s two law suspensions in California, based on ethics complaints. That’s not “dirty” — that’s on-the-record facts.

This reaction and his accompanying tirade against the winning candidate (and anyone else within his sights) reassures me that I cast my ballot for the proper person, Rick Martel. Mature, professional, experienced.

Is the “high road” closed for the Democrats in Southampton Town?

Chris Fiore


North Haven Village