Tone Deaf - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2343706
Mar 4, 2025

Tone Deaf

I read with great dismay about the bureaucratic holdup for the Target Corporation at the Bridgehampton Commons, as they attempt to take over the Kmart square footage [“New Target Store in Bridgehampton Expediting Renovations, But Will Have To Clear Planning Hurdles,”, February 28].

It seems they want to reduce the amount of parking directly in front of the store from 543 spaces to 537 to accommodate their cart corrals. It’s a six-space reduction — less than 1 percent — yet the boards of Southampton, both planning and zoning, will hold up the shopfit and ultimate opening for months as they noodle this unbelievably simple proposal.

I spent 44 years in the retail management business. I opened literally thousands of stores for four premier retail brands, including two right there in the Commons. I have great respect for codes and regulations, and I encourage them in my village — but I am also a believer in flexibility, alacrity and partnership.

The community has celebrated the Target decision; the company will be very successful and generate jobs, sales tax and loads of good will. But the local bureaucracies have decided “Not so fast, Target! We will hold up progress, force you to open after half the customer base leaves for the season, deny summer employment for our local population, and forego tax revenue while we force you to jump through hoops.”

Shame on the bureaucracy of Southampton Town for being so tone deaf to the needs of the people they serve. Does the term “fast track” work for anyone? Five parking spaces, for goodness’ sake! Where there’s a will …

Chris Fiore


North Haven Village