Total Disrespect - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2302436
Oct 29, 2024

Total Disrespect

I went for a walk the other evening, as I often do. I came upon a neighbor’s home. They had a sign on their lawn, supporting one of the major candidates for president, surrounded by decorations of pumpkins. This display had been vandalized, with the pumpkins broken and put in the street. The candidate’s sign was under the mess.

This kind of thing has become all too common. It demonstrates a total disrespect for private property and an individual’s right to free speech.

I think it’s completely unnecessary to say whom my neighbor’s sign supported. Disrespect for the law and an individual’s right to disagree or hold different values is only displayed by one side in this campaign. Right now, it looks as though the First Amendment could be overruled by the Second Amendment.

Chris Dalmasse
