Trick-Or-Treating On Elm Street May Not Happen In 2021
2 Photos
Trick-or-treating on Elm Streeti s a Halloween tradition in Southampton Village and it may not happen this year. EXPRESS FILE
Trick-or-treating on Elm Streeti s a Halloween tradition in Southampton Village and it may not happen this year. EXPRESS FILE
Trick-or-treating on Elm Streeti s a Halloween tradition in Southampton Village and it may not happen this year. EXPRESS FILE
Trick-or-treating on Elm Streeti s a Halloween tradition in Southampton Village and it may not happen this year. EXPRESS FILE
Brendan J. O’Reilly on Oct 19, 2021
Trick-or-treating on Elm Street with the road closed to vehicles, a Halloween tradition in Southampton Village, may not happen this year after some residents of the block expressed concerns. Typically,...