UPDATE: Southampton Town GOP Chooses Candidates For All Town Board Positions Except For Supervisor
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The Southampton Republican Party is expected to reveal whether Town Board member Christine Scalera will run for the Supervisor position in November. GREG WEHNER
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman received the Democratic Party nomination to seek reelection to his seat in November, while it is not clear whether Town Board member Christine Scalera will seek reelection. GREG WEHNER
The Southampton Republican Party is expected to reveal whether Town Board member Christine Scalera will run for the Supervisor position in November. GREG WEHNER
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman received the Democratic Party nomination to seek reelection to his seat in November, while it is not clear whether Town Board member Christine Scalera will seek reelection. GREG WEHNER
Greg Wehner on Feb 20, 2019
UPDATE: Thursday, 2:05 p.m. On Wednesday, the Southampton Town Republican Committee made many of its picks to run for town positions, with the exception of the supervisor slot. The recent...