Clad in rubber boots and armed with rakes, a cadre of volunteers from the Noyac Civic Council, Southampton Town Parks Department and the neighboring community deployed to Trout Pond in Noyac on Saturday, September 24. Their mission: removing invasive species that clog the water body.
Cabomba and Mill-foil were introduced into the pond about 20 years ago, according to Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni. “Now the pond has it everywhere,” the lawmaker said.
The group worked to remove the weeds in the area near the dock near the falls.
“It is encouraging to see the people of the hamlet of Noyac are willing and able to work to make their community a better place to live,” Schiavoni said, adding, “They are inspiring.”
He offered special praise to Parks Director Kristen Doulos, Assistant Director Derryl Baumer and Elena Loreto of the Noyac Civic Council.
More volunteer efforts in Noyac are in the works, Schiavoni said. There will be a beach planting effort on Long Beach this fall and invasive plant removal again next spring in Trout Pond in preparation for the summer of 2023.