Hampton Bays has, until recently, been considered the un-Hamptons. The working part of town, recently it has been so-called “discovered”: We have the best beaches, no mansions on Dune Road, no parking problems, hidden trails in the woods, a wonderful wildlife center, a fantastic community center and more. We also have many community members who will fight to save our town.
As I read the recent issues of the Western Edition of The Southampton Press, I have become upset — upset about the appointment of John Leonard as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election for the Town Board.
I am also very upset about the fact that we, in Hampton Bays, who have seen the behavior he has exhibited have been denigrated by other high-profile Democrats who, by the way, do not live in Hampton Bays.
I do not know John Leonard and until recently had not heard of him. My first exposure to him was probably late last spring. I was attending a monthly meeting of the Hampton Bays Civic Association. The topic was the redevelopment of downtown. Many of us who live here do not want the multiple-story apartment buildings proposed to be built bordering our magical park. People attending were raising their hands to be heard.
I looked and noticed a man madly waving his hands and jumping up, and, in a loud, aggressive, argumentative manner, yelled his views. I was surprised and, leaning over, questioned the woman next to me as to who he was, and was told his name was John Leonard, and he was an attorney. Shortly after this incident, he left the Civic Association and started the Hampton Bays Alliance.
Many of the Democrats who nominated him speak of the fact that he has done so much for the community by starting this. Oh really? He found out that if people do not fully agree with you, just leave a long-standing group and surround yourself with people who feel the exact same way you do, rather than working together.
I strongly oppose the nomination of John Leonard and am forced to vote red after being a lifelong Democrat. I am hurt and angry about the allegations made by high-profile Democrats in my town — allegations that we just complain and do nothing. I am one of the residents of Hampton Bays that is fully involved in my community on a volunteer level and am a lifelong activist.
I think of John Leonard when I think of the quote “Where there is smoke, there is fire,” and I feel if he is elected to the Town Board, he will cause an inferno — just look at how much smoke his behavior has already spread.
Lorry Werner
Hampton Bays