We See the World - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2280734
Aug 12, 2024

We See the World

Recently, many have been urging college students to register and vote in their college home states. Be careful what you wish for — it might just come true.

The reality is, young people today are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. Not blindly accepting the progressive Democrat mantra anymore.

Young people today have a brain in our head. We see the world with our own eyes and make our own decisions.

We see firsthand how wrong and out of touch socialist college professors are. We see firsthand the stain of progressive liberalism on college campuses, tolerating hate speech disguised as pro-Palestinian or pro-BLM and offering courses that indoctrinate us into believing the lie that the USA is oppressive, unfair and racist.

Young people see how the media covers for Democrats who ludicrously predict Republicans will end democracy.

The media has been spoonfeeding us for many years, covering for an inept Joe Biden, calling his blunders “deep fakes.” Then, the next week, we see with our own eyes. Then, a week later, he succumbs to pressure to pull out of the race. Why? I thought they said he was “sharp as a tack”?

Young people aren’t going to blindly vote for Kamala Harris just because the Democrat machine wants to remain in power. Facts matter. Facts like burdensome regulations, open borders for illegal entry, soft on crime, taxpayer money handouts and fueling destructive identity politics.

We are going to look at the facts, make a level-headed judgment — and in many cases will vote Republican.

Rose Jenkins
