What's Really Happening? - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2243998
Apr 8, 2024

What's Really Happening?

I read with interest Michael Daly’s Newsday opinion piece on April 3, regarding the need for housing on the East End, and, of course, the need for Liberty Gardens. It’s interesting, he writes, that most residents are counting on our Town Board to approve Liberty Gardens.

Other than Ralph Fasano or Mr. Daly, I have not read any letter that is pro-Liberty Gardens, from any resident. Having attended most of the meetings before the Town Board, the consensus seems to be that the majority is against this project for many important reasons, the biggest being County Road 39 traffic, accidents and having no westbound exit.

He does not write that the project will have 24/7 guards and a gated entrance/exit. Why? Also not mentioned is the crime at his other locations. That is fact, having been on all our TV stations and in our newspapers — residents in fear of tires being slashed, etc.

If most are for this, why the expenditure of $2 million of taxpayer money? Why the hiring of a marketing firm?

Anyone living in Southampton who travels this road daily will agree that County Road 39 is capped out.

It’s very suspicious that Fasano/Daly are pushing this disaster. One wonders what really is happening here?

Elaine Bodtmann
